Parenting Our Children, Our Parents and Ourselves

What is the Sandwich Generation?

My wife and I work with parents in the Sandwich Generation, parents stuck between raising their children and taking care of elderly and aging parents.

In our life, we are in that situation ourselves and have met so many parents who have to also deal every day with stress, exhaustion, fear and, worry because they are dealing with the daily care of a senior and handling their own kids.

Our passion now is helping parents in that situation get through the transitions, anxiety and fears of their aging parents while handling their own children’s needs.

What do you do?

That’s where we come in. (And you don't have to be in the Sandwich Generation, we can help you if you are just caregiving your parent or spouse or relative)


Your elderly parents need your help, your children want your attention and you are sandwiched in between. What can you do?

One aging parent can no longer drive and you have to take the keys away.
When your parent can’t live on their own and you have to have that conversation.
Your parent slips and breaks a hip and their cognitive skills begin to diminish
When and how to know their financial information to help them in their later years
You have to advocate for your aging parents in a nursing facility
Your live a distance from your aging parent and have to handle their care
Your own kids feel neglected and need attention

Do Those Above Statements Sound Familiar?

“I can't do it all and I don't know what to do!”

We are there too! We have parents in that place of needing our help. Luckily for us Gina has been working with the elderly population in senior care as an Occupational Therapist for over 30 years. She understands the needs of our aging parents and we now help other parents advocate for their parents.

Our Program

The Focused Healthy Family Caregiving Program includes helping you:

  • Manage transitions and change 
  • Manage stress and anxiety
  • Advocate for your parent's needs
  • Enhance communication skills for effective talks with your parents
  • Encourage help and support from the whole family
  • Handle long-distance caregiving
  • Re-build and grow family relationships
  • Inspire hope for the family
  • Improve everyone’s health and energy

Why Consult With Us?

  • Gina has over 30 years of experience as an Occupational Therapist working in the senior population.
  • We are caregiving a parent with Parkinson's and Dementia 
  • We have balanced the needs of our aging parents and our own family
  • Don has been doing Emotional Freedom Techniques tapping for over 20 years and an EFT practitioner for over 12 of those years
  • We have been down the challenging road of severe anxiety and behavior issues with two kids
  • We have experience in anxiety disorder treatment
  • We know and understand the hopeless place that anxiety can put you in
  • We have a plan
  • We can help you

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Focused Healthy Family